Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cardinals Fly High with Klout

Who's got Klout?

When I started thinking about this week’s discussion, I thought – Wow, what a great opportunity to share something that is special to me. The first person that came to mind was Pope Francis. The organization I work for once received a tweet from him. I’m Catholic. It made sense to write about the Pope.  Surely he has a high Klout score, right? I was wrong!  Pope Francis’ Klout score is a whopping 14.    

So from religion, I turned to sports and found the St. Louis Cardinals score 93. I’m Texas girl, so obviously a Rangers fan, but I live with a die-hard Cardinals fan. Actually, I’ve come to learn over the years that all Cardinals fans are die-hard fans. That’s likely the reason their Klout score is so good to begin with.  “Certain super connectors ignite epidemics and are the epicenter of word-of-mouth influence. Combine them with these technological enablers, and a new era of powerful Citizen Influencers has begun” (Schaefer, 2012, p. 95).

So, I took a peek into what made them as successful on-line as they are on the ball field.  They encouraged the use of hash tags, their Likes on Facebook alone reach 2,265,655 and they have 594K Followers on Twitter.  These numbers along with other elements +Mark Schaefer  (2012) described as factors that effect measurement of the true reach component include “mutual follows, retweets, unique comments, likes and tweets, follower/follow ratio, number of mentions” and more (p. 154). 

Oh, make that one more follower on Twitter! I found they have great images and great content. Schaefer stated, “The ability to produce and/or aggregate compelling, meaningful, and entertaining content and move it virally through an engaged network is a means of establishing influence that is unique to the Internet” (p. 96).  

Schaefer on building Klout stated, “You want to find people who have an affinity for you and what you do” (p. 159). Well Cardinals, I think with Klout – you’ve hit it out of the park. #STLCards

As for me...

I started this semester with a Klout score of 11, which unfortunately was probably very accurate. Today, my Klout score is 45.41 with an all time high of 47.96.

I’ve been working hard to build my online influence. My goal is to reach 50 before this class is complete.  There’s still time to implement Schaefer’s three steps to raise my score.  I’ll continue to “build a relevant network,” create “a strategy to provide compelling content,” and “systematically engage influencers” to distribute it (p. 158). 

Let’s face it… what I really want are the Perks.  So now that you’ve read my blog, feel free to share it, let’s be friends or follow me on Twitter! 

Schaefer, M. (2012). Return on influence the revolutionary power of Klout, social scoring, and influence marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Hi Mandy,
    You've shown such impressive growth in your Klout score over the past few weeks; that's awesome! I haven't had mine for 72 hours yet, so I am still waiting to see my measurement over time, but I certainly have a lot of room to grow my score. What methods have you been using to grow your online influence? I'd love any tips!
    Great post,

    1. I'm not 100% sure what I did to increase my score, but it jumped quite a bit when I added all of different social media platforms that it evaluates. So be sure to plug them all in! And then... I got "social." Before this class, I was what I call a Facebook stalker. I read, but didn't write. So I started sharing and I try to share things that are conversation starters. I've learned that people DO like to talk to me! The hardest part for me is my social media A.D.D. Once I start, I jump around and become a "social" butterfly. I have a hard time staying focused on just one task. But maybe that has helped me raise my score. Oh, and by the way... I was offered my first Perk today! That means nothing, but it was fun to read: "because they appreciate your expertise and influence." :)

    2. Very cool! I'm totally a Facebook "stalker" myself. I should start sharing more content there too- great idea!

  2. Great post Mandy. I think you make a good point, perhaps unintentionally, when you reveal the Pope's paltry Klout score of 14. The most influential people in real life aren't always the most influential online. As for the Cardinals, I think sports teams in general do an excellent job using social media to connect with fans. The Cardinals are definitely no exception. Nice example. I'm curious about your Klout score jumping pretty high seemingly overnight in early February. What happened that led to that pretty big leap?

  3. Hi Mandy!

    I have mixed feelings about Pope Francis' Klout score. I would think that since he has so many people that look to him for guidance and leadership, he would have a higher number. It seems as if he has a huge following on Twitter, but just a community page on Facebook. Perhaps he is not active across many social media platforms. I also found myself wondering if the sites were actually him. Once I saw that there were 5.65M followers, I figured it was more likely him and not an impersonator.
    Regarding the Cardinals, I think they have had so much success with their Klout score because they post images and comments that would appeal to all baseball fans in general. Even if a person wasn't a Cardinal fan, they would retweet something the team posted simply because it related to baseballl. Inspiring posts or images, especially with sports, can create the engagement that both people and companies are looking for.
    Good Luck with your Klout score!

  4. Hi Mandy,

    Great post this week! I really like how you started to go down one path to find a person with high Klout, and realized you had to approach it differently. The pope definitely has influence, but influence is different online than in the non-online world. And this is a great organization to dig into. Sports fans, specifically Baseball fans, tend to be some of the most loyal, and it's great that you found such a well-connected organization. I like how you connected with the content on their networking sites as well, it makes me think that they're actually doing something right.

    I mentioned this to Russ, but have you connected all your social media sites to your Klout account? I wonder if your score will improve if Klout has a better understanding of your online footprint.


  5. Hi Mandy,

    Great post! As an avid baseball fan (of the Baltimore Orioles), I've always heard that Cardinals fans were great ambassadors for the game, and some of the most welcoming to opposing fans. This kind of involvement in their love of the game seems to carry over to social media as the organization engulfs itself in its fans. On another note, I'm really surprised that the Pope's Klout score is so low. With how progressive this current Pope is, I would think he would be more in touch with the younger generation and taking advantage of social media in order to do so. On the positive side, perhaps this shows that he's taking his duties too seriously to bother with what he may believe to be a silly phone app.

    I wish I had registered on Klout at the beginning of the semester as you did, this way I could see how the score might have improved over the course of the class. I'm impressed with the level of improvement your score showed - so, even if you don't reach 50 by the end of next week, I'm sure you'll get there and beyond soon enough!
